Would you too like to make new friends, experience a delightful time as well as participate to parties day in and day out? Well, then let’s travel to Germany to the Fifa World Cup 2006!
The Fifa World Cup 2006 Germany will become the biggest party of the century. Official start is June 9th, 2006, but the party already begins with an opening ceremony in Olympic Stadium in Berlin Germany at June 8th. By the way, this is the first time an opening party will be held starting a football/soccer World Cup.
Germany will host the Fifa World Cup 2006 till July 9th, 2006.
New stadiums have been built specifically for the World Cup. I guide you through these twelve German cities on my website and give you some insider tips on where to go before and after the matches.
The stadiums with its games are quite gripping, but the cities have a lot more to offer as well! So it’s a very good idea to travel through Germany by train once you are there. And after the matches… the party goes on in and around the main stations as well.
Well, it is going to be a time to make friends! Definitely.
However, at first I am going to let you know about something very important to keep you away from disappointment.
It is regarding the ticket purchase process. The Organizing Committee want to make sure only friendly and peace-loving people enter the stadiums. That is why they personalize all tickets.
Yes, you are not allowed anymore to sell tickets. Buying tickets is solely allowed on their official website.
So I am sure you think of buying tickets for one or more matches. Here is what Horst Schmidt, Vice-President of our Organizing Committee says:
“A supply of tickets came up for resale on eBay. All we can do is warn people to steer well clear of such offers. Fans obtaining tickets in this way may find themselves denied admission at the turnstiles. Everyone knows that tickets are personalised and cannot be transferred without a genuinely pressing reason, and then only with the Organising Committee’s approval. There could be problems if the ticket and personal ID fail to match, exactly as there would be with an airline ticket. We’ve said it often enough before, and we’re saying it again: tickets are only transferable for good reasons – and profiteering isn’t a good reason.”
So make sure you only apply for tickets online at their official website. That way you avoid massive disappointment.
Good. Now to the Fifa World Cup 2006 Germany venues, which are, by the way, well explained at
. You are even going to find exact explanations on how to get to each venue as well as additional insider tips and partially free downloadable maps.
Already before the assignment on April 16th, 2002, for seven cities it was clear they are going to host matches:
- Berlin — it’s Germany’s capital so an absolute must
- Munich — that is the homeland of the Organising Committee President Franz Beckenbauer; also the most beautiful one — just take a look:
- Stuttgart — this is the headquarter of the sponsor DaimlerChrysler and homeland of the DFB President Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder
- Leipzig — actually the birth city of the DFB (German Football Federation)
- Dortmund — actually the largest stadium after Berlin and Munich
- Gelsenkirchen — this is a highly praised arena and a new building; it even contains a removable lawn! Amazing!li>
- Hamburg — the metropolis of the north.
The remaining five Fifa World Cup 2006 Germany venues are Cologne, Frankfurt, Hanover, Kaiserslautern and Nuremberg.
All twelve venues were extended and modernized or again/new built respectively, so that the most modern play places of the world are going to be used with the Fifa World Cup 2006 Germany.
Now, I wish you a wonderful journey to Germany and a lot of fun during the upcoming Fifa World Cup 2006 Germany.
Make sure, however, you book your hotel room now! Some nearby hotels are already booked up…
Warmest regards,
Marcus Hochstadt
– All Rights Reserved.
Marcus Hochstadt has a high interest in helping you gain the delightful form of a smart travel to and through Germany. Just recently, he has written a special report on How to Travel for Free! You can download it at