air carriers and then pass the savings onto the consumer. Airline consolidators and wholesalers have websites where you may search different dates, receive quotes from a variety of major airlines, and find the cheapest flights available, resulting in savings of hundreds of dollars per ticket. Also, when you fly on a discounted ticket you still earn frequent flyer miles.
Unfortunately, many travelers steer away from consolidators and discounted tickets because they are scared they will not receive a seat, they will miss their flight and their business trip or vacation will be ruined. This is a misconception and one that should be done away with immediately. Once you receive your booking confirmation and e-ticket you have a seat on the plane regardless of whether you bought the ticket from a consolidator or straight from the airlines ticket counter. Consolidator tickets often times have more restrictions, but not enough to make it worthwhile to buy airline tickets straight from the carrier.
Flying can be an expensive form of travel if you dont examine all your possibilities. Discount Air fair is a great chance to save a lot of money. Do your homework and make sure you are getting exactly what you pay for. In the end there are far better things to spend your money on while on your next vacation, or business trip.
Next Article thailand hotels booking online
Travel Advisor
“Travel” is a verb that means “to go to a place and especially one that is far away.” Far can mean long distances within the same country or to other countries. Trip The word “trip” is a noun that means “the act of going to another place and returning.” Journey The word “journey” is a noun that means “the act of going from one place to another.”
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